Sander's Blurbs


When you keep muting / unmuting on video calls and realise it’s your belly is pressing the space bar 😬

Fafi 0.2.0

Search Firefox bookmark contents, with this commandline client. Fafi extracts the content of the bookmarks and stores them into a searchable SQLite database

New in this release:

  • skip .test domains
  • new argument—max-exists (replaces —stop-when-exists)
  • incremental indexing based since last indexed bookmark
  • user chooses firefox profile to index when multiple profiles are detected
  • update dependencies (python 3.8 required)
  • security updates

View on Github

Trump has always been about exploiting the social share. To play both sides so people can share their validated view out of context, ultimately causing extremism. Social Media needs to take responsibility.

Beatport Pro I think is still being retired on November 16. If a usable API is available I might have to build an alternative interface. I need preview history and BPM sorting.

Turns out the ASUS router firmware update check does not update to the most recent firmware!

To replace a non-breaking space with a regular one (cause of non-functional Markdown headers), create a new BetterTouchTool trigger in the Keyboard Shortcut section and replace alt-space with space.

When you’re getting stale NFS file handle errors when using Docker, give /sbin/nfsd full disk access permissions on macOS or move your projects out of the sandboxed folder (I use ~/dev).

Turns out I viewed iA Writer as a creative writing tool, not a markdown note taker. My mistake, it just turns out it’s the best at both. 👌

I want to install a go app on the raspberry pi. For which I need go. Which I thought I could conveniently install with homebrew for Linux. Which requires ruby 2.6.3+, which the pi doesn’t have. So I installed rvm and have to compile ruby from source #yakshaving

So what mobile platform do privacy & independence valueing people use? Android without Google services?

Been looking at Docksal this morning. It’s web dev tooling containers configured in code. First thoughts were: why duplicate all this work. However getting a zero config project running with a cross project cli utility is really nice. No more composer npm PHP* conflicts!

Some PHP tooling scripts require specific versions. I had compatibility issues running a code sniffer. PHP-version helped to set the default PHP interpreter.

Sharing Smaller Screen Recordings

Often I share a screen recording so that others can follow along with tips, processes and generally shared knowledge. However the screen recordings produced by macOS are huge! Here’s how to share smaller recordings, using the command-line version of HandBrake and Hazel:

Rule details

By default new recordings are dropped on the Desktop. Create a new Hazel rule monitoring new files in the Desktop directory:

If all of the following conditions are met:

  • Name starts with “Screen Recording”
  • Extension is “mov”
  • Size is less than “500 MB” (this excludes large recordings)

Do the following to the matched file or folder:

  • Add tags “Red” (to indicate the file is being processed)
  • Run shell script “embedded script” (see below)
  • Move to folder “Trash” (delete the original)

Embedded Script

handbrakecli --preset="Web/Gmail Large 3 Minutes 720p30" -i "$1" -o "$1.mp4"

My last 48 second recording clocked in at 408KB, not bad.

Reorganise your todo list. It isn’t super productive but it gives you back control and understanding.

Design Tweaks August 2020

This latest personal site design iteration improves the reading experience.

Post margins are condensed and subtle delineation guides the eye. The byline, categories and tags post meta are now hidden on the homepage, reducing clutter. I highlighted hovered articles for clarity.

Please visit and feedback.