Happy St. Andrews / Blue Beanie day 2021!
Supporting web standards and accessible websites as well as a great country!

Supporting web standards and accessible websites as well as a great country!
I’ve added a page to my brain about per-project PHP, composer, node and NPM versioning.
There are no app stores and streaming services, only content marketplaces.
I refreshed the olde Thinkpad to elementaryOS 6, and thought it would be useful to me and others to document the process.
As they don’t support an upgrade from elementaryOS 5, I backed up my repositories using repoman and paved the rest, as I use this laptop for side-projects and have a sync solution in place.
The first install resulted in a black screen (perhaps it went into standby and did not respond to mouse or keyboard presses), but a restart continued the installation successfully. Further OS setup was straightforward and simple. I thought about creating a /home
partition but as I was happy with my migration process I decided to go with the convenient default.
The first app to install I had to get from FlatHub, which is nicely integrated. This first flatpakref loaded on the second try and installed using the integration included in the OS.
Syncthing’s introducer feature allows a device to introduce shares to connected devices and this helps setting up the shared folder containing my new-device scripts. It’s important to untick “Receive only” so that it’s a two way sync.
This post will be updated as more thoughts become available.
Today I’m trying to send my posts to Twitter, directly via WordPress. Let’s see if this works.
Perhaps people use the Desktop for their files because of applications using the Documents folder.